SingularityNET Decentralized AI Platform: Biweekly Development Report As of April 26, 2024

By SingularityNET April 29, 2024


SingularityNET Decentralized AI Platform: Biweekly Development Report As of April 26, 2024


We present the biweekly technical development update of our Decentralized AI Platform as of April 26th, 2024, highlighting the significant progress made across core components, including the Publisher, Daemon, and SingularityNET Command Line Interface (CLI) and Software Development Kit (SDK).

This period has seen noteworthy advancements, all bringing us closer to our shared vision: a full-scale modernized Decentralized AI Platform. Key highlights include improved user experience, SDK/CLI separation with new releases, bug fixes, and developing a sandbox environment for streamlined UI creation.



  • Optimized the organization creation page, enabling the preservation of entered data during redirection to another account;
  • Fixed the validation of demo files;
  • Streamlined demo build status monitoring, removing the requirement for page reloads;
  • Resolved issues related to editing service names.


  • Implemented changes to ensure the correct display of updated service names on the Marketplace;
  • Modified methods for uploading proto files to S3 during portal-based service creation;
  • Corrected functionality related to receiving offchain demo changes during service publication;

Developer Portal

  • Implemented a collapsible left-side navigation menu to maximize the usable workspace.


  • New release v3.2.0;
  • Python support was downgraded to version 3.10;
  • SingularityNET ecosystem contracts are now sourced from the ‘snet.contracts’ PyPI package;
  • Separation of SDK and CLI repositories;
  • Changed service calling method;
  • Wrappers added for generated pb2* files;
  • Proto file storage in the client library.


  • New release v2.1.2;
  • Python support was downgraded to version 3.10;
  • SingularityNET ecosystem contracts are now sourced from the ‘snet.contracts’ PyPI package;
  • Separation of SDK and CLI repositories;
  • Proto file storage in the client library.

Sandbox for UI Creation

  • Initial set of UI components developed, with additional components under active development.


  • Fixed and reviewed several GitHub issues;
  • Added a health-checking service for the Marketplace backend;
  • Ongoing enhancement of Daemon documentation;
  • Streamlined Daemon build scripts.

Additional Notes

  • New releases have been deployed, resulting in the structural separation of the CLI and SDK;
  • SDK functionality has undergone several changes and refinements;
  • User requests to the Daemon repository have been addressed;
  • Identified and scheduled resolution of bugs impacting service UI uploads on the Publisher Portal;
  • Implemented changes within the developer portal to enhance the user experience when viewing documentation;
  • Development of a sandbox environment for streamlined UI creation is underway.

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized AI Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. Our mission is the creation of a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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