At SingularityNET, we are working on a number of interrelated projects that all share the same goal of achieving a beneficial technological singularity. We are actively building our core technologies of OpenCog Hyperon, AI-DSL and the SingularityNET AI platform, supported by distributed computing from NuNet, optimized blockchain interactions through Hypercycle, and a strong partnership with Cardano. At the same time we are driving utilization of the SingularityNET platform by seeding it with AI services from a number of spin-off projects in strategically selected vertical markets.
These pages provide an overview of many of the central building blocks that have been completed in 2022 or are in progress, as well as a library of our extensive monthly and quarterly updates. More milestones for 2023 will be added in Q4.
including PLN, ECAN, MOSES and Pattern Miner
New version of publisher portal with subscriptions for platform released
New version on platform training released
Develop and train up the AI Model for AI Synthesizer model with 6k Sounds
We will start beta testing for the iOS and Andriod versions of the Mindplex apps
To apply Hyperon in SNET spin-off projects
Launching new functionalities on the testnet
Alpha release for MeTTa SDK
Part of the integration of the platform services with MeTTa
Release the Jam Galaxy Beta Version for invited users
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