Accelerationists vs. Decels, Doomers vs. Utopians: The Tribalization of AGI Ethics

By SingularityNET February 13, 2024


Accelerationists vs. Decels, Doomers vs. Utopians: The Tribalization of AGI Ethics

AGI may be the single most important technology of all time — and its effects on humanity, positive or otherwise, are unforeseeable. Here is a primer on some of the popular terms and outlooks on what that future may look like.

Greetings Singularitarians,

The Technological Singularity, by definition, holds “unforeseeable consequences for human civilization.” The emergence of artificial general intelligence (AGI) could be the best invention for humanity or its doom — and it all depends on who you ask.

On the one hand, you have the AI optimists who believe AGI can solve all of humanity’s most pressing problems, from the climate crisis to our own biological shortcomings (e.g., disease and dying). On the other hand, you have tribes of AI pessimists who foresee a variety of terrible outcomes — from corporate or governmental-controlled AGI, which then allows the control of all humanity, to a scorched Earth in which humans scramble to survive in the ruins due to an AI disaster, or worse the AGI outright turns on and destroys humanity.

Ready to explore the important questions of AGI?
Join the
BGI 2024 Conference, which will be held Feb. 27 — Mar. 01, 2024, live in Panama City and virtually online, which will bring together leading thinkers from around the world to discuss these perspectives and increasingly urgent issues, and explore the best ways to shape the future of AGI for the benefit of humanity and all sentient beings.

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We believe a truly benevolent Artificial General Intelligence that leads to a beneficial outcome for humanity can only be achieved if these perspectives clash in open discourse, as this is the only way that we can understand the full spectrum of viewpoints, possibilities, and potential risks associated with AGI.

This diversity of viewpoints does much more than enrich the debate. It’s essential for identifying blind spots in our thinking and planning. It’s through the crucible of open, respectful, and rigorous dialogue that we can forge strategies to ensure that AGI develops in a way that aligns with human values and needs.

In this article, we will explore some of the diverse tribes that contribute to the ongoing discussion about Artificial General Intelligence, offering an insight into their perspectives, concerns, and hopes for the future of this transformative technology.

Doomers vs. Utopians

A plethora of specialized terminology is frequently used in the ongoing debate on AI. Among these terms, “p(doom)” stands out as particularly significant. The “p” in this expression represents “probability,” while “doom” carries its usual foreboding implication. When combined, this term serves as a somewhat grim jest, encapsulating people’s estimations regarding the chance that AI might jeopardize our prospects for a fulfilling existence.

This discussion naturally leads to the contrast between two groups with opposing outlooks on AI’s impact: doomers and utopians.

On the one hand, Doomers lean towards the more pessimistic interpretation of “p(doom),” believing that there’s a significant risk AI could lead to negative outcomes, potentially even catastrophic ones for humanity.

On the other hand, utopians maintain a more optimistic view, envisioning a future where AI enhances our lives and propels us toward greater prosperity and happiness. These perspectives highlight the broad spectrum of opinions on AI’s potential effects on our future.

Accelerationists vs. Decelerationists

Accelerationism, in general, engages with the idea of accelerating the processes of capitalism and technological advancement to bring about radical social, economic, and political change.

The ‘effective accelerationist’ or “e/acc,” primarily from Silicon Valley, champions rapid AGI development. They argue that the benefits of rapid technological advancements outweigh the risks, drawing parallels with the evolution of the internet and mobile technology. This group believes in the power of innovation and the market to steer AGI towards positive outcomes.

With AGI closer than ever, e/acc supporters believe the world can take a huge leap forward via innovation, stability, and even all-round prosperity. For them, it makes the pursuit of AGI as fast as possible an almost morally imperative one — despite concerns about AI’s potential harm.

A nuanced offshoot of the accelerationists, led by figures like Vitalik Buterin, promotes ‘defensive accelerationism,’ ‘decentralized accelerationism,’ or, in short, d/acc. This approach seeks to distribute the control and benefits of AGI, advocating for mechanisms like Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) to ensure a more egalitarian and inclusive AGI future and achieve broadly shared prosperity in our society.

In contrast, decelerationists emphasize the potential risks and ethical concerns associated with creating an intelligence that could surpass human cognitive abilities.

Decelerationists might argue for:

  • Slowing down the pace of AI research to ensure that safety measures, ethical considerations, and societal impacts are thoroughly evaluated and addressed.
  • Implementing stringent regulations to control the development and deployment of advanced AI technologies to prevent potential negative outcomes such as loss of jobs, inequality, autonomous weapons, or existential risks to humanity.
  • Contrasting sharply with the accelerationists, this group advocates for stringent government regulation of AGI. This group fears the unchecked advancement of AGI and seeks to slow its development through policy and legislation. Their concern lies in the potential misuse of AGI by corporations or malicious actors, necessitating government intervention.

From the perspective of any individual tech company or major government, deceleration is something like shooting oneself in the foot as one nears the finish line of a marathon. From the perspective of humanity as a whole, it’s like an eleven-year-old child desperately looking for drugs to slow down their natural development because they are afraid of the wild, confusing, unpredictable changes they know are going to come as their body moves into its teenage years and then onward.

Bottom line: As a species, we are going to be moving forward with a spectrum of unpredictable advanced technologies one way or another, which inevitably carries a variety of serious risks.

– Dr. Ben Goertzel’s “BGI Manifesto”

The tribes, and the complex spectrum of diverse beliefs and agendas they represent, converge in forums like the BGI Summit, a platform where these different perspectives on AGI can be debated, discussed, and possibly reconciled. The Summit serves as a microcosm of the larger AGI discourse, reflecting the complex interplay of ideas, concerns, and aspirations shaping the future of this transformative technology. And we need *you* to play a role in that discourse.

How to Get Involved

Whether you’re a doomer or a utopian, an accelerationist or a decel, one thing is for sure — the pace of AI and AGI development is indeed accelerating. Now is the time to bring a variety of perspectives together and create an open dialogue on how to work with the rapidly arriving future for maximum benefit for all.

AI increasingly impacts all of us — from how we create, to how we work, from how we find information to how we build new ideas. AI affects our online socialization, media consumption, and how institutions view and interact with us.

These effects can be subtle and nuanced, or they can be glaring and obvious; they can be positive and assistive or disruptive. But they affect us all, so we must get involved and join the conversation, actively helping shape AI to maximum well-being for all.

There are many ways to get involved:

  • First, register to attend BGI-24 virtually at
  • Next, join the Beneficial AGI Academy on WhatsApp or Telegram, for provocative discussions with others interested in this space
  • If you are a developer, join the BGI Developers groups (WhatsApp or Telegram) for special challenges

Finally, join us for our upcoming BGI Fireside Chat, live on the SingularityNET YouTube channel, with Ben Goertzel and Gary Marcus on Wednesday 14th of February, at 6 pm UTC

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About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services founded by Dr. Ben Goertzel with the mission of creating a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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