Announcing the Artificial Superintelligence Vision Paper

Accelerating Decentralized Artificial Superintelligence through a tokenomic merger of AGIX, FET, and OCEAN into the ASI Token

By SingularityNET April 3, 2024

A great deal has happened in both the AI and blockchain worlds since SingularityNET was founded in 2017. Serious steps toward decentralized AI have been taken; SingularityNET has made great strides in AGI R&D with OpenCog Hyperon and other tools, and has not only launched the decentralized platform envisioned in its initial whitepaper but also a variety of deep infrastructure projects (e.g. HyperCycle, NuNet) and vertical-market applications (some of which have been spun off as separate, coupled projects). However, Big Tech has also not stood still, and we’ve seen tremendous leaps in commercial AI capabilities especially in generative AI, mostly driven by proprietary models and systems running on centralized Big Tech server farms.

Today in 2024 the notion that human-level AGI may be only years away is almost commonplace, and the notion of Artificial Superintelligence (AGI) is broadly considered a viable near-term reality rather than science fiction. The task of guiding AGI and ASI toward benevolence is more acute than ever, the role of decentralization in this process is clearer than ever — but the challenge of beating centralized Big Tech to the finish line as regards AGI, and doing it in a safe and responsible and fully ethical way, is also more evident than ever before.

Meeting this substantial challenge effectively is going to require creative thinking, intensive and broad collaboration, and a bit of thoughtful, reflective, well-calculated risk-taking as well.

Which sets the stage for the main purpose of this post: Today the Foundations of SingularityNET, Fetch.AI, and Ocean Protocol are honored to present the ASI Alliance Vision Paper, a document presenting the reasons, goals, and functional considerations behind the proposed token merger between SingularityNET, Fetch.AI, and Ocean Protocol.

The document sketches an outline of how the three projects will leverage their synergies and their strengths, envisioning a future where, together, we in the decentralized AI ecosystem can win the race to build AGI and ASI for the benefit of all.

A Taste of the Superintelligence Vision Paper

To give you some further incentive to click on the Vision Paper and read through it, I will paste a brief portion of the introduction to the document below , which contains a few of the particulars behind the alliance and its associated synergies:

Centralized vs. Decentralized Future

We are in a race to AGI and ASI. Either centralized Leviathans — Big Tech and the military — will win the day, or an open network will take the prize. Centralized versus Decentralized. Which future do you prefer? Our mission is to scale up our research and development engine to get decentralized ASI in the race for the sake of humanity.

How? First of all, we merge our tokens: AGIX, FET and OCEAN. We convert existing AGIX, FET and OCEAN tokens into the new $ASI. The total supply of $ASI will then be 2,630,547,141 tokens, composed of 866,700,367 allocated to AGIX tokens, 1,152,997,575 allocated to FET tokens and 610,849,199 to OCEAN tokens.

This Alliance needs to show the public that decentralized AI can be applied today in ways that make a real-world impact, and walk them down the path towards decentralized AGI and decentralized ASI with a procession of continuously improving applications. This is exactly what Fetch, SNET and Ocean have been doing for years: practical decentralized AI applications and the infrastructure to make it all possible.

The Superintelligence Alliance will enable dramatic synergies beyond what could be achieved by the three projects working side-by-side in a loose partnership. These ASI Alliance synergies have multiple dimensions that will be explored in later sections of this Vision Paper, but at the most simplistic level:

  • brings a mature framework for delivering commercial solutions based on decentralized agent systems and an AI-customized Layer 1 chain, proven via a host of real-world applications
  • Ocean brings a decentralized network for secure and ethical data management, designed for the data requirements of large-scale AI systems and demonstrated in the highly successful Predictoor framework
  • SingularityNET brings a concrete technical path to AGI and ASI, going beyond what Big Tech R&D teams are doing, integrated with a decentralized tech stack including an agents framework, a ledgerless blockchain (HyperCycle with HYPC token) and a decentralized compute fabric (NuNet with NTX token)

AGI cognitive architecture + scalable secure ethical data management + robust commercialization, rolled out on a high-speed, low-cost decentralized network, equals an unparalleled strategy for decentralized ASI success.

This Vision Paper sketches an outline of how we plan to leverage these and other synergies to move forwards to win the AGI race, and bring the mainstream along with us. The Vision Paper is organized as follows:

  • Section A presents the three pillars of focus of the ASI Alliance: build decentralized ASI, show practical decentralized AI applications today, and secure decentralized compute
  • Section B describes the governance principles and practices for the ASI Alliance, its network and subnetworks
  • Section C reviews key aspects of $ASI tokenomics, including particulars of the token merge and grant funding initiatives

Accelerated SingularityNET Token Release

One further point worth highlighting here is that, in Section A.4.3.1 of the Vision paper, titled “Accelerated SingularityNET Token Release,” an additional proposal BEYOND the “mere” proposal to merge the SingularityNET, Fetch and Ocean tokens is made. This additional proposal is also being put forth for a vote of the AGIX token-holding population, distinct from the vote on the token merger itself.

The Accelerated Token Release proposal suggests that 100 million of the AGIX tokens currently held for release into the SingularityNET Foundation wallet over the period from now till 2112, should be released in the near term so that they can be used to secure a powerful decentralized hardware network for running SingularityNET nodes running OpenCog Hyperon and deep neural networks. The purpose and import of this should be clear to anyone who has been following the AI space in recent years — generative AI has shown the importance of putting innovative software, powerful hardware and copious data together to get amazing AI results. The decentralized modality means that we don’t need as many super-giant server farms as Big Tech companies to to create amazing AI, however, it will still be very valuable to have a network of sizeable server farms to seed the broader intelligence of our heterogeneous decentralized compute network.

If approved, this would still leave 194,603,615 tokens to be released into the Foundation Wallet at a progressively decreasing rate until 2112, alongside the 294,603,615 additional tokens slated to be released into other SingularityNET-related wallets (including Deep Funding) during the same period.

Onward to Beneficial ASI !

I encourage everyone to carefully read the Superintelligence Alliance Vision Paper and reflect on the opportunities it presents for addressing the challenges facing us now as we move into the final stretch of the race toward AGI and ASI. For the sake of humanity and the other sentient beings in our environment and our future, we need the decentralized AI community to win this race.

We will be holding an AMA for the community to answer your questions on 03 April, 20:00 UTC. Please submit all your questions here, and we will do our best to address them all during the livestream and provide the remaining answers afterwards. You can watch the ASI Alliance AMA Livestream on our YouTube channel.

The vote opens on April 4th, 2024, 12:00 PM (noon) UTC, remains open until April 16th, 2024, 12:00 PM UTC, and you can vote through the SingularityNET Voting Portal. For more details see the Voting Details Blog.

Post your questions to the AMA Form here.

Community Voting Information

Voting Opens: April 4th, 2024, at 12:00 PM UTC

Voting Closes: April 16th, 2024, at 12:00 PM UTC

Voting Portal:

Voting Details Blog

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized AI Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. Our mission is the creation of a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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