Supervisory Council Progress Update: March 2024

By SingularityNET April 16, 2024


Supervisory Council Progress Update: March 2024

Special report by Community Liaison Judith Williams and the Supervisory Council Team

Dear Singularitarians,

As part of the journey towards decentralization, the SingularityNET community elected a three-person Supervisory Council to lead the creation of a Decentralization Blueprint. The Council started work in November, and in this blog, we report on their progress.


  • Completion of the Supervisory Council Community Workshop Sessions
  • Publishing of the Purpose Document by Supervisory Council Member Grace Rachmany
  • Advancing of the Decentralization Blueprint
  • Launch of the decentralization website
  • Welcoming Elizabeth Cusma to the Task Force

Completion of Supervisory Council Community Workshop Sessions

Over the past months, the Supervisory Council facilitated weekly live workshops with the SingularityNET community to involve participants in the creation and shaping of the Decentralization Blueprint — a mapping of the SingularityNET network that serves to assess progress towards decentralization, and prioritise which decentralization experiments to launch.

The workshop sessions were a continuation of the three general workshops in the previous quarter. This quarter, the workshops focused on two main topics. In the first four sessions facilitated by Grace, participants discussed the purpose of the community in the SingularityNET ecosystem. The following three workshop sessions, which were facilitated by Nick, focused on the roles and structures in the community and how they influence the operations of SingularityNET.

In each workshop session, the community explored diverse angles, possibilities, and questions around their purpose and roles in the SingularityNET ecosystem and discussed how they can best contribute to the goal of developing beneficial AGI. The workshops were conducted across different time zones to give as many community members as possible the chance to express themselves and contribute to the discussions.

The live workshop series, which concluded at the end of March, was well received by the community and provided important information for the Blueprint writing.

We would like to thank all community members who contributed to the sessions with their time, energy, and insights. The Supervisory Council and other members of the Task Force are reviewing and incorporating the ideas and feedback that were collected from the community.

Publishing of the Purpose Document by Grace Rachmany

The feedback from the community workshops around ‘Purpose’ and ongoing discussions with the Foundation, all elected Supervisory Council Members, and other members of the Task Force inspired the development of a purpose document written by Grace Rachmany.

The document outlines a temporary purpose that allows for the maintenance of the existing structures in the SingularityNET ecosystem, however, the Supervisory Council encourages the community to revisit their purpose in 2025 and beyond in ongoing discussions to reflect changes that will inevitably occur in the fast-paced and ever-changing world of SingularityNET.

In addition, the purpose document serves as a foundation for a more detailed blog post that will be published in the future and is currently open for feedback and comments, especially for those who have not had a chance to participate in the workshop sessions and whose voices have not been represented so far.

Advancing of the Decentralization Blueprint

Over the last months, the Council has made significant progress on the Decentralization Blueprint. Joining for a period in February and March, Nick worked on the original outline of the Blueprint and started writing and developing several of the Blueprint sections in collaboration with all elected Supervisory Council members. The discussions with the Ambassadors and the wider community around the roles and structures of the community in the SingularityNET operations served as a solid foundation for the development of many of the Blueprint sections.

The latest version of the Blueprint has been published to the community in the most recent Ambassador Town Hall meeting and is currently open for feedback and suggestions, and can be found here.

We would love to receive ongoing feedback from the community until the completion of the Blueprint and beyond, as the Blueprint is intended to be an ever-evolving, living document to be advanced after the current Supervisory Council has finished its mandate.

It is with regret that we must bid farewell to Dr. Nick Almond, who has left the project owing to other obligations. We thank him for his contributions and his valuable work with the community!

Welcoming Elizabeth Cusma

The Supervisory Council is pleased to welcome Elizabeth Cusma to the team. Elizabeth is joining as the lead writer for the Decentralization Blueprint. Elizabeth is a community builder interested in emergent strategies for collective well-being and action. She has a background in immigration, economic development, non-profit management, and public policy and is passionate about building a Web3 that empowers individuals and helps to build more resilient communities. She looks forward to supporting the Task Force members appointed by the Supervisory Council in delivering the Blueprint on time.

Launch of the decentralization website

Throughout March, significant progress has been made towards the launch of the website that will allow the community to participate fully in the decentralization process of SingularityNET.

The website hosts all relevant information, including information about the Supervisory Council, past meeting recordings, upcoming meeting schedules, progress updates, blogs, documentation, and detailed information on how to participate in the decentralization process.

We are excited to announce that the website is now live and can be visited at

The design and content of the website has been a collaborative effort between Decentralization Program Lead Esther Galfalvi, Supervisory Council Members Grace Rachmany, Daniel Ospina, and Xhony Shollaj, core members of the Ambassador Program’s Archives workgroup Vanessa Cardui, Stephen Whitenstall and André Diamond as well as all other experts who have helped advance the project. The website will, in time, give way to a more comprehensive site, which is now in development to support participation in all the decentralized communities.

The community is welcome to provide feedback and ideas on the first version of the website via all SingularityNET social media channels.

What is next

The Task Force is moving towards the completion of the initial Decentralization Blueprint. We encourage the community to go through the different sections of the document, add suggestions and comments, and actively participate in the creation of the Blueprint which will serve as a roadmap to decentralizing SingularityNET.

Visit the new decentralization website with all relevant information regarding the decentralization process of SingularityNET:

Join the many community discussions on Discord, Telegram, and X around decentralizing SingularityNET.

Participate in SingularityNET’s community events: Find all upcoming events on the SingularityNET Community Events Calendar and the Events page of the new website.

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized AI Platform and Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence (AI) services. Our mission is the creation of a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), democratizing access to AI and AGI technologies through:

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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